Strouhal number in two-phase flow reduces with the increase of the void friction. 两相流斯特拉赫数随含气率的增加而减小。
Reynolds number effects on Strouhal number are very important in the study on Reynolds number of bridge decks. 斯特罗哈数的雷诺数效应是桥梁断面雷诺数效应研究中的一个重要问题。
The quasi steady flow method is applied widely for measuring the instantaneous flowrate, but its application is restricted by the similarity criterion Strouhal number which should be very small. 准定常流法是测定瞬时流量常用的方法,但其应用受相似准则Strouhal数的限制,Strouhal数应甚小。
Meantime, Strouhal number for elastic cylinder is properly discussed. 同时对弹性柱的Strouhal数给予了适当的讨论。
The results show that the drag and lift forces oscillate for Reynolds numbers greater than 80. The calculated Strouhal number, a parameter characterizing the oscillations, agrees well with established results. 结果显示,当Re大于80时,圆柱所受曳力和升力开始振荡。计算所得的脱落频率(Sr)与前人的结果吻合良好。
The experiment educes the result of different structure of dual bluff body Strouhal number curve; 给出了多种钝体组合结构的斯特劳哈尔数的试验结果,表明双钝体结构具有常定的斯特劳哈尔数。
The experiment was carried out in two situations, without net flow and with net flow. The influence of oscillatory flow Reynolds number ( Re0) and Strouhal number ( Si) to the injection dispersion performance of OFM was explored. 实验分无净流量和有一定净流量两种情形,探讨了振荡雷诺数Reo、斯特劳准数St对振荡流场中的注入分散特性的作用以及净流雷诺Ren的影响情况。
The paper presents the measurement results of Strouhal number, St, for six rectangular cylinders with different d/ h ( d is section depth, h is section height). 本文给出了六种不同宽高比(d/h)截面柱体的Strouhal数(St)测员结果。
A Study of T shaped Cylinder Gas liquid Two phase Strouhal Number in a Vertically Upward Gas liquid Two phase Flow 垂直向上气液两相流中T形柱体两相斯托拉赫数的研究
With respect to two different specifications of trapezoidal cylinder an experimental study was conducted of the variation law of gas liquid two phase Strouhal number in case of the occurrence of gas liquid two phase vortex street in a vertically downward gas liquid two phase flow. 试验研究了两种规格梯形柱体,在垂直下降气液两相流中,发生气液两相涡街时,气液两相斯特罗哈数的变化规律。
The experimental results revealed the relationship between the structure of vortex street of the foil and Strouhal number. 实验结果揭示了机翼正弦运动时尾迹涡街的特性以及与Strouhal数的关系;
The free shear layer instability to amplify disturbances is independent of originality disturb amplitude value; Reynolds number and Mach number only depended on Strouhal number. The digital computation of Strouhal number is discussed. 自由剪切层的不稳定性对扰动的放大与初始扰动的幅值、马赫数、雷诺数无关,仅取决于Strouhal数,文中对Strouhal数的计算方法进行了探讨。
At a fixed Strouhal number, as the Reynolds number is increased, the quantity and the size of vortices change little, while the wavelength of mainstream shortens a little. 在一定的St数下,随着Re数的增大,涡旋波流场中主要旋涡的个数基本没有影响,旋涡的位置略向上游,主流波长略有减小,次生旋涡增加。
Considering the spatial geometric significance of two-phase flow patterns and using the differential pressure gauge as a sensor, the Strouhal number Sr is taken as the basis for distinguishing flow patterns. Using Strouhal number Sr to identify flow pattern has clear physical meaning. 从两相流流型的空间几何意义出发,利用差压计作传感器,提出用标准空间特征频率斯特罗哈尔数Sr作流型识别的定量依据,斯特罗哈尔数Sr识别流型具有明确的物理意义。
The work focused on the influence of oscillatory Reynolds number ( Re0) and Strouhal number ( St) to the injection dispersion performance of OFM, and the effect of net flow Reynolds number ( Ren) was explored preliminarily. 本文主要对振荡雷诺数(Reo)和斯特劳准数(St)对振荡流场中注入分散特性的影响做了比较深入的研究,并对净流雷诺数(Reo)的影响做了初步的探讨。
The similarity criterion& Strouhal number Sr was derived from the substantive derivative in this paper. The Sr number is a limiting condition for applying of the quasi steady flow method to the measurement of the instantaneous flowrate. 从物质导数的基本概念出发,导出了准定常流法的适用条件受相似准则Strouhal数Sr的限制。
For these sorts of the bodies, the present computation gives the average drag coefficients, the Strouhal number is related to the shedding frequency of the separation vortices, and the flow pattern. 对这两类物体,计算的平均阻力系数,分离涡脱落的Strouhal数以及流态都与实验接近。
However, for the viscous flow with a super-critical Strouhal number, there exist two waves only, which propagate downstream. 对于超临界Strouhal数粘性流动,仅有在下游区域传播的二列波。
The charateristics and influence parameters of vortex wave flow are analyzed at different Reynolds number and Strouhal number. 通过改变槽道中流体流动Re(Reynolds)数和St(Strouhal)数的大小,测量并分析了各参数下涡旋波流动的流场特性。
Reynolds number effects on Strouhal number of flat-box girder bridge decks 扁平箱形桥梁断面斯特罗哈数的雷诺数效应研究
By means of Fourier transforms, the exact solution for the free-surface waves is expressed by an integral with a complex dispersion function, which explicitly shows that the wave dynamics is characterized by a Reynolds number and a Strouhal number. 通过Fourier变换,自由表面波的精确解表示为带复变色散函数的积分式,波动力学性质由Reynolds数和Strouhal数刻画。
According the simulation, in the right angle channels, the vortex wave can perform at expansion ratios from 1:1.4 to 1: 2.8.Reynolds number and Strouhal number are the important factors. 对于直角扩张的槽道,槽道的扩张比在1:1.4~1:2.8的范围内都能形成涡旋波流动。
The simulation is focused on three-dimensional flow characteristics and variation of drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Strouhal number with different Reynolds. 着重研究了三维圆柱的阻力系数、升力系数和斯脱罗哈数随Re数的变化规律及其三维流动特性。
The Reynolds number effect of Strouhal number is obvious. 4. 研究表明Strouhal数具有明显的雷诺数效应。
The aerodynamic forces of section model are measured by the force balance of forced vibration equipment, which is further used to estimate the Strouhal number of H-shaped and rectangular sections, and the measurements of steady aerodynamic force coefficient continuously varying with attack angles are realized. 应用强迫振动装置上的天平测量节段模型的气动力时程曲线,实现了随攻角连续变化三分力系数的测量,并由升力时程曲线推算了多组H型和矩形断面的Strouhal数。
For the periodic symmetrical oscillating states, the frequency of the system increases with the increase of the dimensionless fluid velocity, and the drag force on the flag scales with the Strouhal number. 对于单周期对称振动状态,旗帜的振动频率随着无量纲来流速度的增加而增大,同时流体作用在旗帜上的阻力与系统的Strouhal数成正比。
And the groove channel depth has no influence on the optimum Strouhal number. 三角槽的槽深对最佳斯特鲁哈尔数没有影响。
Experimental and computational results reveal the acoustic field distribution in the engine and show the effects of mean flow velocity and the Strouhal number on the acoustic field. 通过实验和数值模拟方法相结合,揭示了发动机内声场分布以及时均流速、斯特劳哈尔数等对其声场特性的影响。